Introducing: The Unboxing Project


In addition to my work as Vector Collaborative Founder and Principal, I have been working on a fun side project called “The Unboxing Project”. This is an interview series that explores STEM, promotes diversity, and exposes kids to real-life people that are doing amazing things in their career and passion projects! 

What was the impetus for The Unboxing Project? Well, we are all so much more complex, interesting and unique than the boxes that we are put in, right?  I thought it would be fun to start this interview series to explore differences and celebrate the unexpected. Also, being in the middle of an isolating global pandemic in a world filled with hate and division, I think we could all use a little inspiration, connection and laughter. 

There are three main goals for this venture: 

1.        Break down stereotypical barriers within STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) fields. In an effort to not reinforce those stereotypes, we will purposely not address them but instead celebrate who these people actually are. You will notice a heavy emphasis on the “E”, at least at the beginning, but this is because that is where I reside and where many of my connections are. If you know of inspiring people that are part of the “S”, “T”, or “M”, send them my way!

2.      Promote diversity. I truly believe once you get to know someone that you didn’t initially understand, you begin to see them for who they are instead of the boxes that they are put in.  You begin to understand, empathize and love people that are different than you. We are equal humans. All of us. Everyone’s voice is just as important. And everyone deserves to feel safe enough to be their true self. We need this diversity to create the best world to live in. Different life experiences and passions yield a larger subset for all brainstorming so we can arrive at comprehensive and unique solutions.  

3.       Expose kids to STEM. Kids! Watch these interviews. Listen and see if anything resonates with you. I hope you see parts of yourself in some of these guests. You are unique, you will have your own individual path that will only make sense to you. Follow the things that spark drive in your life. Work as hard as you can at these things. Embrace all of yourself, even if some parts are different from your friends. I hope you are always brave enough to follow your truth.
My hope is that you watch these segments and learn something new, see respective professions and these people in a new expansive light. These people, they are amazing, inspiring and I can’t wait for you to learn more about them. Watch the series here:


2020: We Made It


Career Seasons